more CC stuff
Dan Marshall
2004-05-20 19:59:15 UTC
Jeremy, I believe you mentioned in an earlier mailing (which I can't
find) that you had gotten permission from the copyright holders to
incorporate certain GFDL materials here? Could we maybe have a LQsource
area with links to CC-able sources plus an area to wikify these sources?
So we could have wikified versions of HOW-TOS for example. Just a thought.

Just in case I haven't already annoyed you with this enough yet, please
go to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Crazyeddie to edit the CC
petition. Or say why I'm an idiot in the talk pages - I feel in need of
a sanity check. Digiot, you seem to have a good head on your shoulders,
what do you think?
2004-05-20 23:42:04 UTC
Post by Dan Marshall
Jeremy, I believe you mentioned in an earlier mailing (which I can't
find) that you had gotten permission from the copyright holders to
incorporate certain GFDL materials here? Could we maybe have a LQsource
area with links to CC-able sources plus an area to wikify these sources?
So we could have wikified versions of HOW-TOS for example. Just a thought.
Just in case I haven't already annoyed you with this enough yet, please
go to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Crazyeddie to edit the CC
petition. Or say why I'm an idiot in the talk pages - I feel in need of
a sanity check. Digiot, you seem to have a good head on your shoulders,
what do you think?
Thanks, and thanks for taking this initiative if only for the fact
that it made me read and think about those links and several more.
Simultaneously confusing and enlightening. :) However, this is a
Wikipedia issue - it has an impact on the LQWiki and society at large,
of course, but it's *specifically* a Wikipedia issue - and I have no
connection with that. So I can't judge the appropriateness of it from
a Wikipedian point of view. Mikhail's suggestions sound very good,
though. From an LQWiki point of view, I can only say that it should be
clear that this is not an official LQWiki intitiative - you do mention
that you are also a contributor at the LQWiki but I don't think you
explicitly say this isn't part of official LQWiki policy. On the other
hand, if it were to become so, I'd make *that* explicit in turn.

As far as how I feel about it (from a digiot-point-of-view), I don't
suppose my feelings on licenses are relevant. I'll just say that I
agree something should be done and my only hesitation is if this is
even enough. But it's certainly not too much or inappropriate. Go for it.

