Dan Marshall
2004-05-20 19:59:15 UTC
Jeremy, I believe you mentioned in an earlier mailing (which I can't
find) that you had gotten permission from the copyright holders to
incorporate certain GFDL materials here? Could we maybe have a LQsource
area with links to CC-able sources plus an area to wikify these sources?
So we could have wikified versions of HOW-TOS for example. Just a thought.
Just in case I haven't already annoyed you with this enough yet, please
go to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Crazyeddie to edit the CC
petition. Or say why I'm an idiot in the talk pages - I feel in need of
a sanity check. Digiot, you seem to have a good head on your shoulders,
what do you think?
find) that you had gotten permission from the copyright holders to
incorporate certain GFDL materials here? Could we maybe have a LQsource
area with links to CC-able sources plus an area to wikify these sources?
So we could have wikified versions of HOW-TOS for example. Just a thought.
Just in case I haven't already annoyed you with this enough yet, please
go to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Crazyeddie to edit the CC
petition. Or say why I'm an idiot in the talk pages - I feel in need of
a sanity check. Digiot, you seem to have a good head on your shoulders,
what do you think?