Lqwiki-list Digest, Vol 5, Issue 2
2004-07-06 03:05:30 UTC
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1. Re: re: a couple of things (Jeremy)
Message: 1
Date: Fri, 2 Jul 2004 15:58:00 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: [Lqwiki-list] re: a couple of things
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed
First off, spotted some asking about the spellcheck function, asking if it's
possible to backport it to MediaWiki.
I don't have a problem with this, but a couple of things to keep
in mind: First, we run an older version of the software now, so it may not
plug directly into the newer 1.3 devel tree. Secondly, it's not at *all*
tested with any of the non-ISO-8859-1/non-UTF8 charsets that Wikipedia
uses, so it may not work...
I've passed it on to Dori (the guy who originally brought up the question - and he *is* a guy), and he said he'd talk to the developers and have them contact you or the mailing list.
2004-07-07 01:52:12 UTC
Post by f***@public.gmane.org
I've passed it on to Dori (the guy who originally brought up the
question - and he *is* a guy), and he said he'd talk to the developers
and have them contact you or the mailing list.
Feel free to have them contact me directly. Thanks.

