Aaron Peterson
2004-03-26 14:39:02 UTC
I'm sorry, I sent this twice... hopefully you'll only get it once though, My
kmail started to like sending email without a from address for a while.. I'm
hoping/guessing that your mail program blocked my first attempt of sending
Issues with the wiki as I see them:
from what I see, wikipedia does not support backlinks, which means that
developers must do twice as much work for every update than is neccessary
pages must have links to documents that are logically parents, and peers
this type information makes it extremely easy to navigate a site
bulleted lists are not for everything, pages get very long very quickly. I
recall hearing of a study that lists scrolling as the number one activity of
computer users. I remember my dad telling me that white space is
cheap.. I have come to the conclusion that it is not cheap, but it is often
worth the price. specifically I care about the "see also" and "member of"
moderator quickness to moderate
moderators should delay before editing a page, perhaps talk to the user while
the user is online instead of nuking new pages introduced by a member
Main Page
this page needs to start people on their way. it should list the most commonly
used subset items of a category next to the super category... i.e., it
should be like download.com, listing common utilities under utilities..
helping to define what is meant
Quantity vs Quality
let there be little pages that have a crumb of information... that hyperlink
may be exactly what the user wanted! who cares about the formatting!!!
if somebody has nothing better to do, then go make the formatting easier to
navigate/ clearer... don't make it so that the user must scroll through two
or three pages of screen space to find that crumb.
Save Work
why put stuff into paragraph format if it's already said better elsewhere? why
hide a hyperlink with a title.. when it just causes the end user a bit more
work when they want to remember the site? (you are taking away the ability
of the user to remember the URL on vis own) The user is a part of the wiki!
My experience
study of a few natural languages
interest in manufactured languages, and the creation of a content management
system utilizing branches that can be merged (I independently thought of
wiki's before I knew what wiki's were, I'm sure a lot of people have...)
a pattern language conference from cpsr.org and a communications club
(computer professionals for social responsibility) where I learned about
* www.openwiki.org (defunct) where I wrote a style guide and brainstormed
* wiki.fresco.org my first attempt at making a dense wiki. I hate tons of
comments blocking out content
* www.subverted.net/wakka This is where I write what I learn relative to
gentoo. I have done a LOT of work on this site, and I have refined my wiki
* wiki.linuxquestions.org This is the first page where I've had to deal with
other people... I have always been god... D something or other beat me down
a bit (a good thing), and now I come to you all with my tail between my
legs, offering with my last bit of strength suggestions and advice. regarding
your epic project.
I have a lot of other thoughts about wiki's
I do not care about spelling, I have better things to do with my time (except
I can use a spell checker, and I have a rule for checking the spelling of new
wiki names)
I'm wanting to learn a bit more about the software side of wiki's I have
installed a couple wiki's on my machine zwiki, and some sort of asp wiki,
I have a goal to make a P2P difference engine that will ultimately make every
web page a wiki... it would be a plug-in to a web browser, with a p2p server
for shaing changes of pages to friends/ subscribers to your oppion
contact info:
ICQ 2302806
yahoo: incinerated-/***@public.gmane.org
msn: aaron_pet-hPnnkjYJS9NWk0Htik3J/***@public.gmane.org
phone 509 332 7697
1220 NE Myrtle St
Pullman WA 99163
I dislike email and wiki discussions
I'm sorry, I sent this twice... hopefully you'll only get it once though, My
kmail started to like sending email without a from address for a while.. I'm
hoping/guessing that your mail program blocked my first attempt of sending
Issues with the wiki as I see them:
from what I see, wikipedia does not support backlinks, which means that
developers must do twice as much work for every update than is neccessary
pages must have links to documents that are logically parents, and peers
this type information makes it extremely easy to navigate a site
bulleted lists are not for everything, pages get very long very quickly. I
recall hearing of a study that lists scrolling as the number one activity of
computer users. I remember my dad telling me that white space is
cheap.. I have come to the conclusion that it is not cheap, but it is often
worth the price. specifically I care about the "see also" and "member of"
moderator quickness to moderate
moderators should delay before editing a page, perhaps talk to the user while
the user is online instead of nuking new pages introduced by a member
Main Page
this page needs to start people on their way. it should list the most commonly
used subset items of a category next to the super category... i.e., it
should be like download.com, listing common utilities under utilities..
helping to define what is meant
Quantity vs Quality
let there be little pages that have a crumb of information... that hyperlink
may be exactly what the user wanted! who cares about the formatting!!!
if somebody has nothing better to do, then go make the formatting easier to
navigate/ clearer... don't make it so that the user must scroll through two
or three pages of screen space to find that crumb.
Save Work
why put stuff into paragraph format if it's already said better elsewhere? why
hide a hyperlink with a title.. when it just causes the end user a bit more
work when they want to remember the site? (you are taking away the ability
of the user to remember the URL on vis own) The user is a part of the wiki!
My experience
study of a few natural languages
interest in manufactured languages, and the creation of a content management
system utilizing branches that can be merged (I independently thought of
wiki's before I knew what wiki's were, I'm sure a lot of people have...)
a pattern language conference from cpsr.org and a communications club
(computer professionals for social responsibility) where I learned about
* www.openwiki.org (defunct) where I wrote a style guide and brainstormed
* wiki.fresco.org my first attempt at making a dense wiki. I hate tons of
comments blocking out content
* www.subverted.net/wakka This is where I write what I learn relative to
gentoo. I have done a LOT of work on this site, and I have refined my wiki
* wiki.linuxquestions.org This is the first page where I've had to deal with
other people... I have always been god... D something or other beat me down
a bit (a good thing), and now I come to you all with my tail between my
legs, offering with my last bit of strength suggestions and advice. regarding
your epic project.
I have a lot of other thoughts about wiki's
I do not care about spelling, I have better things to do with my time (except
I can use a spell checker, and I have a rule for checking the spelling of new
wiki names)
I'm wanting to learn a bit more about the software side of wiki's I have
installed a couple wiki's on my machine zwiki, and some sort of asp wiki,
I have a goal to make a P2P difference engine that will ultimately make every
web page a wiki... it would be a plug-in to a web browser, with a p2p server
for shaing changes of pages to friends/ subscribers to your oppion
contact info:
ICQ 2302806
yahoo: incinerated-/***@public.gmane.org
msn: aaron_pet-hPnnkjYJS9NWk0Htik3J/***@public.gmane.org
phone 509 332 7697
1220 NE Myrtle St
Pullman WA 99163
I dislike email and wiki discussions