Pulling in existing documents
2004-04-13 01:05:06 UTC
I came across a suggestion on one of the talk pages (although I cannot
find it now) that wondered about pulling tldp HOWTOs into the system and
whether their license permits that.
I am still trying to work out some of the licensing issues, but
any article that you think would benefit the wiki and is compatible with
the current license can be added.
I believe we should seek to get these documents into the wiki so that
they can benefit from the collaborative editing process. Even - well,
especially - if these documents are informative but a little out of date.
What are the wiki creators' positions on selectively pulling in these
sorts of documents (license permitting) for editing?
I think it is in the best interest of the wiki to have as much
quality free content as we can have.

2004-04-13 01:09:18 UTC
I agree. But I also feel that if articles and content
are already on the net, why clutter out wiki with it.
I mean some articles which are really helpful and
would benefit ppl are fine.
I wouldn't call it clutter at all. One of the keys to the LQ wiki
is collaboration. Bringing in an article from somewhere else on the net
will allow an LQ wiki users to contribute to and improve the article in
But then comes the issue: Who decides what articles
are fine and what not? I mean, I might find some
article on boot managers good and someone else on
I'd say the question you should ask is, "will this article benefit
the Linux community".
So, I guess that maybe we should just have one
section: LINKS to stuff on the net.
The problem is that links turn into 404, sites go down, etc. This
also does not allow for the aforementioned collaboration.

Shashank Sharma
2004-04-13 05:17:37 UTC
Post by Jeremy
I agree. But I also feel that if articles and
are already on the net, why clutter out wiki with
I mean some articles which are really helpful and
would benefit ppl are fine.
I wouldn't call it clutter at all. One of the keys
to the LQ wiki
is collaboration. Bringing in an article from
somewhere else on the net
will allow an LQ wiki users to contribute to and
improve the article in
Ok. That is a good perspective to look at.
Post by Jeremy
But then comes the issue: Who decides what
are fine and what not? I mean, I might find some
article on boot managers good and someone else on
I'd say the question you should ask is, "will this
article benefit
the Linux community".
Totally agree with you on that.
Post by Jeremy
So, I guess that maybe we should just have one
section: LINKS to stuff on the net.
The problem is that links turn into 404, sites go
down, etc. This
also does not allow for the aforementioned
That's true. Keeping them here would ensure that they
last long enough for ppl to make use of them. That
makes things much easier Jeremy.


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