2004-04-13 01:05:06 UTC
I came across a suggestion on one of the talk pages (although I cannot
find it now) that wondered about pulling tldp HOWTOs into the system and
whether their license permits that.
I am still trying to work out some of the licensing issues, butfind it now) that wondered about pulling tldp HOWTOs into the system and
whether their license permits that.
any article that you think would benefit the wiki and is compatible with
the current license can be added.
I believe we should seek to get these documents into the wiki so that
they can benefit from the collaborative editing process. Even - well,
especially - if these documents are informative but a little out of date.
What are the wiki creators' positions on selectively pulling in these
sorts of documents (license permitting) for editing?
I think it is in the best interest of the wiki to have as muchthey can benefit from the collaborative editing process. Even - well,
especially - if these documents are informative but a little out of date.
What are the wiki creators' positions on selectively pulling in these
sorts of documents (license permitting) for editing?
quality free content as we can have.