On Thu, 28 Oct 2004 23:14:17 -0400 (EDT), Jeremy
Post by JeremyPost by DoriHi, do you guys have a link to where someone could get the modified
MediaWiki (or patches)?
I'm not clear on which "modified Mediawiki" you are looking for.
Do you mean the version we run on the LQ Wiki? We currently don't have
that available anywhere as most of it isn't of broad interest. We'd send
any bug fixes or things of that nature upstream so they'd make it into the
main CVS tree.
Yes, that's what I meant. It'd still be nice if you had a tarball or
something in case someone felt like taking a peek (others may be
interested in how you've changed the skin to integrate it better with
the site).
Post by JeremyPost by DoriI would still love for someone to backport the spell checker to the
main trunk, but I'm too busy/lazy/unfamiliar to do it myself, and no
one else seems interested.
Someone brought this up on one of the mediawiki mailing lists and
there seemed to be little interest in having it in the main tree, so it
was never sent.
I brought it up once before :) I didn't have much hope then since you
guys were on a much older version, but if you made it work with 1.3.7
then it couldn't be that hard to plug back into the main branch if
someone wanted to. Besides, if it makes it in, that's one less thing
you'll have to change on some future release of MediaWiki you decide
to install (or do you have some way of doing the patch automagically?)